How to write an essay in first person?

It can be either described on a personal front or can also be described academically. The writing style differs with each of the style adopted.
The types of point of view or perspectives are:
1.First person
2.Second person
3.Third person
In this article, we discuss the essence of first person and how dynamically it changes a text to a personal and narrative one.
Where is first person used?
First person are the words (to be precise personal pronouns) which are used while discussing something about personal lives, personal experiences, and narrative descriptions
They usually strike a conversation and establish a direct relationship with the reader rather than passively conveying information.
They are used in essays such as narrative essay, descriptive essay, fiction articles, short stories etc.
Characteristics of an essay which uses first person
1.Personal: An essay which takes on a personal are written using first person. It helps in connecting to the readers in a better manner. Use of words such as “I”, “me”, “we” make it better to understand the situation which is being presented in front of the audience.
Example of such writing style can be seen in personal essay, descriptive essay and narrative essay.

3.Revealing: The characters in the story, the narration, and the aspect which is explained are mostly revealing in nature. Hence first person are far more personal and nearer to reality.
4.Engaging: Short stories and fiction stories must be written in an enchanting way so as to make it engaging. It becomes engaging when it is written using first person.
5.Action: Action can be illustrated when first person words are used.
Effective tips on how to write an essay in first person
1.Use personal pronoun: Words such as “I”, “me” are some of the examples of first person. These are mandatory to use whenever a write-up is written in first person. It brings out the naturalness that is essential for a personal write-up.
2.Use show don’t tell theory: This theory works out very well when an action is to be described. Showing emotions is far more impactful than just writing them or telling them. Action words or verbs must be used to show emotions.
3.Use informal language: There are two kinds of writing; formal writing and informal writing. Informal writing depicts personal experiences in a captivating manner. Hence there is an encouragement to use informal language.
4.Include anecdotes and experiences: Narrative essays and personal essays are effective when they are written with anecdotes and experiences. This will increase the readability. With the help of first person, this can be done very easily.
5.Add hook statement: Hook statements are the necessary element that must be added in every essay. These are the statements which should use first person in a personal essay so that it can attract reader’s attention towards it.
6.Use in two cases: First person can either be written in present tense or past tense.
7.Use of active voice: First person comes best in use when they are used with active voice. Learn more about using the active voice in your essay here.