Ultimate guide to edit an essay
Time and again, it is said that the best way to approach writing is to revise and rewind an already written content. This enhances the quality of an essay or a write-up. Writing comes under the sun; there are many phases that are involved while a work is getting published. It starts from researching on the topic, planning on how to write the topic, structuring the content to be written, editing the written content. Once it is edited, the last stage is to proofread after which, the work gets published.
What is the need for editing an essay?
The process of editing an essay is as prominent as writing it from scratch. This stage involves re-reading, and making necessary changes to already written content. Editing is a task that has to be performed skillfully rather than putting creativity. It becomes necessary to correct the errors that are found with efficiently discarding unnecessary content and adding quality information to it.
How to edit an essay in simple steps?
Following are few points put together which will be helpful while editing an essay
1.Essay structure:
Every essay will have a prescribed structure to it which is to be followed until the end. The structure that is laid out will help in building content in a better manner. The basic structure of an essay generally contains an introduction section, a body section, and a conclusion.
2.Paragraphs and sentence formation:
Often while writing the first draft for an essay, we may miss out to give a closer look on how the paragraph is formed or how the sentence structure should be. While editing, sentence formation and how they can be combined comes into the picture.
3.Be your own spell checker:
Editing will put the grammar skills to test. Though there are several automated spell checkers available to spell-check but it is better to be your own spell checker.
At times, there are certain errors that might be missed by a computerized spell checker or some might be autocorrected to a different word which does not match in the context being used.
5.The transition between paragraph:
The first rule of writing any essay is to have an integrity created among each of its section. Therefore there should be a transparent transition in between paragraphs so that there is no inflow in the information being presented.
6.Commonly confused words and difficult terms must be omitted:
English vocabulary has several similar words which are dissimilar. Though they may sound same but their meaning differs.
Words like maybe and maybe, duel and dual are easily confused which will not be corrected by automatic spell checkers. Such words have to be corrected while editing. There are difficult terms also included which should be omitted if does not match the context.
8.Spellings must be given a closer look:
Spellings are part of English language which occurs on an everyday basis. As they depict different meaning altogether if not used properly, they must be given a closer look and revised in the stage of editing.
9.Quotations and references:
Some essays need quotations and other references to make it an original content, these details must be checked twice as it is a matter of plagiarism.
10.Improper sentences:
Long sentences without any punctuation marks must be eliminated. It increases the complexity thereby leading to a poor quality write-up.
11.Picking the tone:
Each essay should have a tone in which it should be written; active voice or passive voice. Care must be taken to continue with the tone chosen. For example, if a narrative essay has used first person, in the beginning, it must continue with the same tone throughout. If an essay alternates between two tones, it might lose its meaning and context together.
12.The essay must be to the point:
The content which is being delivered must be written with accuracy and not dragged with an excess of information. This misleads the readers to judge it negatively thereby losing their interest in reading further.
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